
Applications are invited
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Mooreland University
Mooreland Education System
society registered under S.R act XX1 of 1860, No RS/ICT/617 (Literary and Scientific institutions)IBD
Bridge of knowledge in the global village
Providing Education to the World
International chain of Schools, Colleges and Institutes for Distance learning/correspondence PG Diploma  Masters / Ph.D. degree programmes in different subjects


1.        Applied Psychology

2.        Fashion Design

3.        Development economics

4.        Diplomacy

5.        International Relations

6.        Education Management

7.        Business Administration

8.        Hotel Management

9.        International Business

10.     Marketing Management

11.     Principles of Marketing

12.     Human Resource Management

13.     Hospital Administration

14.     Managing Financial Resources

15.     Business and Financial Environment

16.     Leadership

17.     Improving Personal Effectiveness

18.     Presentation Skills for Managers

19.     Office Management Course

20.     Effective Secretaries Course

21.     Management Course for Junior Executives

22.     Development course for Supervisors

23.     Journalism

24.     Mass Communication

25.     Public Relations officer course

26.     Air Ticketing and Tariff Course

27.     Information Management

28.     Operation Management

29.     Industrial Management

30.     Real Estate Management

31.     Production, Planning, Scheduling and Control

32.     Material Management

33.     Quality Function Development

34.     Finance and Accounting Course for non financial Executives

35.     Cash Flow Management

36.     Development Course for Junior Managers

37.     Cost Analysis and Budgetary Control Course

38.     Training techniques for trainers

39.     Effective Letters, Reports writing and Presentation Course

40.     Strategic Management

41.     Building and Managing High Performance team

42.     Effective Decision Making

43.     Management by Objectives

44.     Interviewing Skills and Techniques for Managers

45.     Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills

46.     Small Business Management

47.     Principles of good Management

48.     Effective Communication Skills

49.     Team Work: Getting people to work together

50.     Negotiating Skills

51.     How to Improve Morale, Motivation and Commitment

52.     Better Field Management

53.     Environment of Management

54.     Public Health

55.     Hospital and Health System Management

56.     Nutrition Therapy in Health and Fitness.

57.     Herbal Treatment

58.     Solid Waste Management

59.     Tourism


B.Sc (Computer Sciences) Program

1.        Introduction to computers

2.        Computer application

3.        Data structures & Algorithms

4.        Data communications and net work

5.        Operating systems [Dos & Windows 95 & 98]

6.        Relational database management systems

7.        System analysis &Design

8.        Programming in C+ +

9.        Object oriented programming

10.     Programming in visual basic

11.     Management Information Systems

12.     Basic management

13.     Computer Architectures

14.     Artificial Intelligence

15.     Internet & Internet Development

16.     Software Engineering



Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Political Science

Fist semester

2nd semester

1         Nature and Scope of Political Science

2         Political System: Theory and Typology

3         Importance and Utility of Political Science

4         The State

5         Theories of the Origin of the State

6         Sovereignty. A Thorough Analysis

3rd semester

4th semester

7         Law and its kind

8         Law Versus Liberty and Equality

9         Dictatorship versus Democracy

10      Nature of State , Unitary and Federal Form of Government

11      Nature of Administration, Parliamentary and Presidential form of Governments

5th semester

6th semester

12      Organs of Government ,Legislative, Executive and Judiciary

13      Elections and Political Parties

14      Political Theories- Socialism, Fascism, communism

15      Concept of Welfare State

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program

First Semester 

Second Semester

Third Semester

1         Basic Marketing

2         Basic Management

3         Introduction to Computers

4         Business Mathematics

5         Principle of Marketing

6         Basic Accounting

7         Micro Economics

8         Principles of Management

9         Business Communications

Fourth Semester

Fifth Semester

Sixth Semester

10      Principles of Accounting

11      Macro Economics

12     Marketing Management

13      Introduction to Financial Management

14      Organizational Behavior

15      Marketing Services

16      International Business

17      Small Business Finance

18      Introduction to Banking

Mooreland University offers Diploma, Master and Ph.D degree programs in the following subjects.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)/M.Sc/M.A Programs



General Management



Human Resource Management



Media Management



Environmental Management



Tourism and Hotel Management



Marketing Management



Project Management



Health Management



Banking and Finance



Finance and Accounting






Computer Sciences



 Master in Hospital Administration



Applied Psychology



Master in Public Health



 Political Science



 Mass Communication


M. A.

Fashion Design





M.A. Sociology



International Studies & Diplomacy

Master of Business Administration MBA Programs

A.   General  Management

B.   Human Resource Management

C.   Media Management

1         Principles of Management

2         Organizational Communications

3         Decision Making

4         Organizational Behavior

5         Principles of Economics

6         Human Resource Management

7         Leadership

8         Management of Training

9         Strategic Management

10      Total Quality Management

1         Principles of Management

2         Organizational Communications

3         Organizational Behavior

4         Project Management Fundamentals

5         Human Resource Management

6         Human Resource Development

7         Principles of Economics

8         Motivation

9         Strategic Management

10      Management of Training.

1         Principles of Management

2         Organizational communications

3         Human Resource Management

4         Object Oriented Programming

5         Advertising

6         Principles of Economics

7         Multimedia  Concepts

8         Software Engineering

9         Electronic ( E ) Commerce

10      Total Quality Management

D.   Environmental Management

E.   Hotel Management

F.   Marketing Management

1         Principles of Management

2         Leadership

3         Waste Management

4         Environmental Monitoring

5         Environmental Assessment Techniques

6         Motivation

7         International Environmental Policies

8         Ecosystems

9         Design Making

10      Human Resource Management

1         Principles of Management

2         Service Marketing

3         House keeping  in hospitality operations

4         Strategic marketing

5         Marketing tools

6         Strategic Planning

7         Managing Human Resources

8         Inventory Control

9         Budget and expenses

10      Janitorial

1         Principles of Management

2         Principles of Marketing

3         Marketing Research

4         Principles of Economics

5         Organizational communications

6         Advertising

7         Sales Management

8         International Marketing

9         Strategic Marketing

10      Services Marketing.

G.   Project Management

H.   Health Management

I.   Banking & Finance

1         Principles of Management

2         Organizational Communications

3         Decision Making

4         Project Management Fundamentals

5         Project Appraisal

6         Principles of Economics

7         Management Information Systems

8         Project Implementation Management

9         Total Quality Management

1         Principles of Management

2         Organizational Communications

3         Health Planning

4         Human Resource Management

5         Project Management Fundamentals

6         Decision Making

7         Human Resource Management for Health

8         Leadership

9         Hospital Management

10      Principles of Economics.

1         Principles of Management

2         Financial Accounting

3         Financial Institutions

4         Financial Management

5         Project  Management Fundamentals

6         Organizational communications

7         Banking Operations

8         Investment Management

9         International Banking

10      Principles of Economics.

J.   Finance & Accounting

1         Principles of Management

2         Financial Accounting

3         Financial Institutions

4         Banking Operations

5         Cost Accounting

6         Financial Analysis

7         Organizational communications

8         Managerial Accounting

9         Investment Management

10      Principles of Economics


Master of Science (M.Sc) Telecommunication


1         Applied Mathematics

2         Electrical Circuit Analysis

3         Electronics Devices & Circuits

4         Electromagnetic Fields

5         Electronics Communication

6         Mathematical & Computational Methods

7         Advanced Electronics

8         Communication Systems

9         Digital Logic Design

10      Signal and Systems

11      Probability & Statistics

12      Antenna & Wave Propagation

13      Analysis of Stochastic Process

14      Digital Communication

15      Digital Signal Processing


Select Only Three Of The Following

1         Principles of Telecommunication

2         Electronics Inst. & Measurement

3         Optical Fiber Communication

4         Active and Passive Filter Design

5         Microprocessor

6         Telecomm. Switching & Systems

7         Satellite Communications

8         Data Communications

9         Control Systems

Master of Science (M.Sc) Political Science

1         Western Political Thoughts

2         Comparative and Developmental Politics

3         International Relations

4         Comparative Systems

5         Public Administration

6         Foreign Policy of major powers. Great Britain, France, China , USA and Russia

7         International law

8         International Organizations

9         Local Self Governments

10      Research Methodology

11      Political System of

India and Bangladesh  or Sri Lanka and Nepal or Iran and Jordon or Egypt and Saudi Arabia or Tanzania and Moraco or Sweden and Norway or Denmark and France or Germany and Switzerland


M.Sc Applied Psychology


1         History and Systems of Psychology

2         Social Psychology

3         Statistics in Psychology

4         Theories of Human Behavior

5         Psychology of Mass Media

6         Research Methods in Psychology

7         Psychology of Personality

8         Criminal Psychology

9         Environmental Psychology

10      Psychological Testing & Measurement



M.Sc In Applied Psychology (Clinical Group)

Course Title

1         Clinical Psychology

2         Psycho diagnosis

3         Theories of Psycho analysis

4         Behavioral Psychology

5         Research Paper


M.Sc In Applied Psychology  (Education Group)


1         Educational Psychology

2         Psychological Assessment in Educational Psychology

3         Counseling in Educational Psychology

4         Psychology of Special Children

5         Research Paper


M.Sc In Applied Psychology  (Organizational Group)


1         Organizational Psychology

2         Counseling in Organizational Psychology

3         Psychological Testing in Organization

4         Consumer Behavior

5         Research Paper

M.Sc International Relations


1         International Relations

2         Foreign Policy of the country of Student choice

3         International Organizations

4         International Political Economics\ Regional Economics Integration(ECO,ASEAN,SAARC,NAFTA etc.)

5         Strategic Studies

6         International Law

7         Research Methodology



Select Only Two Of The Following

1         International Politics

2         Conflict Resolution Strategies

3         Nuclear Proliferation

4         International human Rights

5         Environment Studies

6         Politics of Refugees & Migration

7         Technology and Warfare





Select Only Two Of The Following

1         South Asia

2         Central Asia

3         Middle East

4         North America

5         Europe

Master of Science( M.Sc) Economics


1         Principles of Economics

2         Micro Economic Theory

3         Macro Economic Theory

4         Mathematical Economics

5         Research Methodology

6         Development Economics

7         International Economics

8         Public Finance & Fiscal Policy

9         Human Resource Development

10      Financial Institutions




Select Only Three Of The Following

11      Micro Credit

12      Entrepreneurship

13      International Banking

14      Banking Operations

15      Health Economics

16      Business Economics

17      Principles of Economics




Master of Arts (M.A) In Fashion Design

              Over the last ten years the role of technology within Art and fashion design has Steadily increased. This not only reflects the needs of industry but also the requirements of individuals wishing to explore and define new methods of communicating and visualizing ideas and thinking. Whether it is designer pushing the frontiers of publishing and communications or artists exploring the new capabilities of virtual environment, technology plays an increasing role in our artistic methods and applications.

                 In recent years the role of the artist has changed dramatically: new areas of artistic activity have emerged alongside the convergence in new technologies. Traditionally the role of the artist has been an invaluable one in informing and illuminating the ‘art world’. The practice continues to be of values not only to the artistic community but also impacting upon other cultural activities. The fashion design program at the University is unique practice based course which offers a wide range of specific options. We have designed a program for individuals who are interested in contributing to our collective understanding of fashion in the 21st century. You will graduate as a design professional experienced in teamwork, the global implications of design and the ability to confidently challenge pre-conceptions of fashion. This innovative Fashion course embraces fashion Design and promotion, Business Practice, Styling, Fashion Photography and Forecasting.

        Fashion is one of the most exciting, challenging, and dynamic careers for those who are creative, ready to meet tight deadlines, accept changing styles, fight fierce competition and are comfortable with punishing work  Schedules. With an emphasis on the artistic, creative and historic nature of dress, Fashion ultimately concerns it self with sociology. It reflects the political moods, economic condition, technical achievements, and social status of the wearer. Fashion as a clothing industry includes production, merchandising, advertising, and marketing. The foundation for a successful career in fashion must include an understanding of the integration of these elements



1.        Principles and Elements of Design

2.        Basic Hand and Machine Sewing Techniques

3.        Basic Drawing

4.        Fundamental of Textile

5.        Pattern Drafting

6.        History of Art

7.        Human Anatomy

8.        Textile Design

9.        fashion Sketching

10.     History of Costume

11.     Structural Design

12.     English Skills and Communications

13.     Principles of Marketing

14.     Introduction to Management

15.     Past and Present Footwear Trends

16.     Fundamental of Jewelry Design

17.     Psychology

18.     Color Theory

19.     Consumer Motivation In Fashion

20.     Fashion Styling

21.     Business Ethics and fashion



MPH(Master In Public Health)

God Almighty has bestowed his super creature the ‘Human being’ with upper story of brain. Human being in turn has left no stone unturned in the application of his Grey matter for the progress and prosperity of mankind. This all became possible through knowledge, education, learning and information.

The mode of education has been changed all together. This century has witnessed many a number of methods and media as an instrument of knowledge. The “Distance learning” programs is the ultimate product of this tug of war. The most modern evolution in learning process is the Distance learning Methodology.

The concept of open universities in the world, the idea of global web, the inception of Internet and the use of all tools in information technology pay their tributes to the Distance learning Technology. Who so ever engineered the idea, revolutionized the whole world. The fruit of knowledge is now within the reach of every one, every where. Mooreland University is one of the pioneer in coining this ideology on air. “A sound Mind in sound body” and for that matter preventive health instrumentation for public health care programs is the main theme of the faculty.

Our slogan is the time tested slogan since ages & i.e. “Prevention is better than Cure.” The role of community medicine, social medicine, preventive health education, hygiene and public health care has been duly recognized at the global level for ensuring physical, social and mental well being of mankind.

All nations give top priority to the practice of community and social medicine for ensuring good health and productiveness to its masses. So Important is the role that WHO has accepted the responsibility for community health programs in the world. Keeping in view, this vital and pivotal role of the subject, Mooreland University has decided to offer “Health Care” programs through the Distance learning medium, (in addition to its regular health education programs) the very motto of Mooreland University.

Mooreland University is the premier institute for preparing public health personnel for health care, health administration, teaching field work and coordination work, within all over the world.

Our goals are as under:

1.                    The development and provision of teaching programs for specialized post graduates in the different disciplines in accordance with local needs and international standards.

2.                    To promote community medicine as a key to success of health care programs.

3.                    To impart a comprehensive knowledge of the basic and applied sciences of preventive medicine and skills to apply this knowledge to a broad range of community health problems.

4.                    To prepare specialists who critically appraise relevant health information and activities, who function effectively as members of interdisciplinary team and who can properly communicate with the public and other health professionals.

5.                    To conduct Para medical courses relating to public health.

6.                    To share responsibility for conducting, teaching and research for post graduate courses in public health like MPH (Master in Public Health) DPH (Diploma in Public Health) availing Distance learning medium. (In addition to regular health education programs).

7.                    To organize conferences and meetings of educational nature and practical demonstrations on various aspects of Community Health.

8.                    To generate interest of public health in all spheres of life.

9.                    To promote teaching and research in the field of community medicine / public health.

10.                 To prepare teachers, trainers, professionals in the field of health care for various health cadres and institutions.

11.                 To be called upon during international emergencies and catastrophes and wherever, the need arises for help to conduct epidemiological investigations advise / organize health care programs to effectively encounter such eventualities.

12.                 To be called upon to investigate public health problems and suggest solutions.

13.                 To establish model centres in urban/ rural areas with a view to demonstrate achievements of standardized primary health care.

14.                 To support medical education for under graduate medical colleges run by the Governments or private sector. To establish a healthy society through preventive tools by Distance health care learning instruments.


Reading material for under mentioned courses is sent by post to the Students.

1.        Basic Definitions and Historical Development

2.        Health of the nation. Rural and Urban Health

3.        Demography: Population Dynamics, Fertility and Mortality

4.        Health Information and Biostatics

5.        Epidemiology

6.        Management Information System

7.        Introduction to Health Research Methodology

8.        Social Sciences in Community Medicine

9.        Injuries and Accidents

10.     Disaster management and Control

11.     Military Hygiene

12.     Leadership in Health

13.     Hospital Administration

14.     Medical Anthropology

15.     Biomedical Ethics

16.     Health Economics

17.     Environmental Hazards

18.     Community Water Supply

19.     Disposal of Waste

20.     Hospital and Biomedical Waste Management

21.     Integrated Management of Childhood illness (IMCI)

22.     Light and Lighting

23.     Climate and Earth

24.     Nuclear Medicine

25.     Housing Health

26.     Human Nutrition

27.     Health Education

28.     Personal Hygiene

29.     Woman’s Health

30.     Reproductive Health

31.     Human Sexuality

32.     Child Survival

33.     Air and ventilation

34.     Occupational Health

35.     Snake Bite

36.     School Health Services

37.     Sports Medicine

38.     Travel Medicine

39.     Health of the Elderly

40.     Communicable Disease of Public Health Importance

41.     Non Communicable Disease (NCD’S)

42.     Immunology and Immunization

43.     Unsafe Injection: A Global Threat to Disease Burden

44.     Substance Abuse

45.     Tobacco and Health

46.     Community Mental Health

47.     Community Dental Health

48.     Medical Entomology

49.     Medical Parasitology

MHA (Master In Hospital Administration)

1.     Principles of Management

2.     Hospital Management Orientation

3.     Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Planning

4.     Strategic Hospital Planning & Designs

5.     Role of Hospitals in Primary health care

6.     Dynamics of a trained Hospital Administrator

7.     Hospital System, Objectives, Components & Organizational structure

8.     Human resource management, Human resource Development & Material Management

9.     Hospital Pharmacy Management

10.  Trainings in Hospitals & Research Methodologies

11.  Diagnostic, Therapeutic, Ambulatory & Emergency Technologies

12.  Patient Safety & Adverse Event Concepts for Hospital Managers

13.  Aspects in Hospital and Protest  Management

14.  Epidemiology & Biostatistics

15.  Public Health Issues & Concerns

16.  Nursing Services Management

17.  Quality Management System

18.  Planning & Management of OPD services

19.  Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects of Hospital Management

20.  Hospital Waste Management

21.  Financial Management in Hospitals – An overview

22.  Hospital Budgeting

23.  Hospital Nutritional Support Program

24.  Measuring QOC in Hospitals

25.  Hospital Autonomy

26.  Institution-based Practices

27.  Management of Change-Evidence based decision making